Welcome to Women in Unison - the blog for women to post their thoughts, feelings and experiences surrounding the cuts in public sector spending.

Women are being hit the hardest by the austerity measures being imposed by the UK Government, which is seeing the rollback of the welfare state. Women rely upon public services more than men and they also make up the majority of the workforce in the public sector, so it is clear that women will be disproportionately affected by decimation of public services.

Did you know...
Women make up 65% of the public sector workforce, so job cuts will hit women the hardest.

Women will pay for 72% of the changes in taxes, benefits and tax credits set out in the budget.

95% of women's organisation face funding cuts/funding crisis in the next year.

Cuts to carers allowance will disproportionately affect women: 58% of carers and 74% of current carers allowance clamaints are women.

73% of remaining positions in the public sector that are subject to a pay freeze are held by women.

What can you do?
Tell us your thoughts, feelings and experiences on this blog.
Talk to your friends, family, colleagues about these issues and how they affect you.
Write to your Welsh AM & MP.

For women, trade union membership is as relevant as ever. UNISON has almost one million women members - more than two thirds of our union. Regrettably, women have still not reached a position of workplace equality – women still earn a lot less than men and face sex discrimination and harassment at work. We also know that UNISON women members are under increasing pressure to juggle work and home commitments. Almost half of women work part-time and this is largely because so many have caring responsibilities outside of the workplace.

Gender equality is a fight worth fighting and UNISON will never give up.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

WRC Survey: Impact of the cuts on women’s voluntary and community organisations

WRC Survey: Impact of the cuts on women’s voluntary and community organisations

Support services for women are under threat from an unprecedented level of public spending cuts: a 2011 survey by Women’s Resource Centre found that 95% of women’s organisations were facing funding cuts or a funding crisis and 25% said that further cuts would result in closure.

WRC needs robust and current evidence to demonstrate the disproportionate impact of the cuts on women’s voluntary and community organisations and influence policy-makers. To do this we need your help!

This survey is part of a research project that aims to map the current state of the women’s sector. Its results will be published in a report that will highlight the impact of funding cuts on women’s organisations and the services available to women who need support.
By taking part, you will help the WRC to present the genuine social cost of the cuts to decision makers and put forward the recommendations that could benefit the women’s sector in the long term.

We also have a £50 Neal’s Yard Remedies voucher to give away to one lucky respondent! To complete the survey and to enter the prize draw, please visit http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3CQGT7H . The survey will close on Sunday 18th November.

For further details, please contact the WRC Policy Team on 020 7324 3030 or email policy@wrc.org.uk

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